Our Projects

SL Name of the Project Donor
1 Vulnerable Women Benefit (VWB) Program Directorate of Women Affair Bureau, Bangladesh Directorate of Women Affair Bureau, Bangladesh
2 Participation of Men to Eliminate Violence against Women UNFPA (Partnership with Acid Survivor Foundation through Men Engage Alliance Bangladesh)
3 Promotion of Gender Justice: Strengthening Engage Men and Boys Network for Reducing Violence against Women and Children in Bangladesh Amplify Change & BRAC
4 Women ICT Freelancer Development Project A2i Prime Minister Office, Bangladesh, Ministry of Women and Children Affair, BWiT and SME Foundation
5 Women ICT Freelancer Development Project ICT Division
6 Celebrate the National and International day under A4I Project Action Aid
7 Renewable Energy and Climate Change Mitigation Program GIZ
8 Post literacy and Continuing Education for Human Development Project-1 Ministry of Primary Education
9 Basic Entrepreneurship Training for Female shop owners of development women market LGED
10 Survey on Self Employed Professionals Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
11 Impact Evaluation Studies of Poverty Alleviation through Participatory Ministry of Planning
12 Capacity building including training, monitoring and evaluation for local NGOs HYSAWA Fund
13 Contract for the conduct of participatory rural appraisal (PRA) of sub projects LGED
14 NGO Services for design and implementation of Re-settlement Plan for SIDR Affected people AIDA Bangladesh
15 Renewable Energy and Climate Change Mitigation Program Own Fund